Studio Supporters

Have a lasting connection with a very special place in Welsh theatre by donating to our Studio Supporters Appeal.
Incredible things happen in the Sherman Studio:
  • Future classics receive their first performances there.
  • The sharpest new writing takes shape within its walls.
  • Young people experience performing on stage for the first time.
  • It’s where our youngest audience members often have their very first live theatre experience.

By donating £200 and becoming a Studio Supporter you will be championing new writing, new voices and new possibilities.

As a thank you for your donation, your name will be added to a dedicated Studio Supporters donor board, situated in the entrance to the Sherman Studio.

Please note:

  • A limit of 75 characters applies to your inscription on the Studio Supporters board.
  • Once we have received your donation, we will contact you to confirm your inscription.
  • Your name will be installed within four weeks of your donation.
  • Recognition of your support on the Studio Supporters donor board will remain in place for 10 years. You will then have the option to renew.

To become a Studio Supporter today, click below to donate online or call 02920 646900.


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