You can choose what you would like your donation to support:
Share Your Passion Audiences and Engagement – helping us to continue to deliver our creative engagement and outreach work.
- The work of our Creative Engagement team raises awareness of careers in the arts through engagement with schools and young people. This work can take the form of in-school talks, workshops, and tours of the building (both in person and virtual).
- Through our Youth Theatre membership 80 young people between the ages of 4 and 18 are learning new skills, building their confidence and having fun. We also offer creative development opportunities for anyone aged 18+ through our amateur company, Sherman Players.
- Our 50th anniversary Youth Theatre Festival in April 2023, welcomed 134 young people to the Sherman to participate in performance, workshops and training opportunities.
- Tales & Tea daytime performances are an ideal opportunity for our older audience members to socialise and enjoy a script in hand reading of a play. Performed at both the Sherman and at community venues across Cardiff, Tales & Tea performances attract an average audience of 300 people aged 50+ a year.
- We are proud of our Theatre of Sanctuary status and celebrate our vibrant community of Sanctuary Seekers through our programme of creative workshops, annual Festival of Sanctuary and audience engagement work.
Share Your Passion Artist Development – supporting our work to nurture Welsh and Wales-based artists.
- Since its launch in 2018, our free Introduction to Playwriting programme has engaged with 74 young writers aged 15-18.
- Supported by our Literary department, 273 Welsh and Wales-based writers have taken part in writers’ workshops, development programmes, showcase events and script submission over the last 12 months.
- Each year we offer paid trainee designer, assistant and associate director roles across our Made at Sherman productions, support numerous technical placements within our Production department, and offer work placements with our Creative Engagement team.
- Since 2015 we have commissioned and produced work by 23 Welsh and Wales-based writers, and currently have another 7 writers on commission to produce work in 2024/25.
- Since April 2020 we have provided paid employment opportunities for over 550 freelance artists and theatre-makers. We also provide in-kind support for individual artists and emerging theatre companies, and currently have two companies in residence, Red Oak Theatre and PowderHouse.
You can also choose how you would like to donate:
- Make a donation via this page, choosing how much you would like to donate and which area of our work you would like to support.
- Purchase a Share Your Passion ticket to a Made at Sherman production. Simply select any of the Share Your Passion ticket options when booking; each of these ticket options includes a £10 donation to Sherman Theatre.