Further develop your craft as a playwright, with EXPAND.

EXPAND is back! After a highly successful year in 2023, this free series of short, modular training sessions returns with our most popular programmes from last year, and a new course offered in the Welsh language.

These are specialised investigations of specific areas of playwriting, which will support you to write your next play with more confidence and skill.

Members of Sherman Theatre’s Artistic team will run three courses this year. All Sessions run from 6pm – 7.30pm:

Who is EXPAND for?
We anticipate that most participants will have written at least one full-length play and be looking to deepen their understanding of specific playwriting techniques.

What courses will you be offering this year?

EXPAND 1: All Writing is Rewriting (3 September – 1 October)
Back by popular demand!
A thorough exploration of the process of redrafting a play.
Considering the difference between an edit, a rewrite and a polish, this course will go into the granular detail of taking a play from first to final draft, giving and receiving feedback and implementing dramaturgical notes.
Led by Sherman’s Literary Manager, Davina Moss.

Apply here: https://forms.microsoft.com/e/sdCt8Hb4hX

EXPAND 2: Audience is the Heart of Process (offered in English: 8 October – 5 November)
How does audience change what you write?
This term will help you put audience at the heart of your playwrighting process. From exploring writing for children and young people to the big classics we will investigate how to construct a story with your audience in mind. This course is taught in English: there is also an opportunity to do this course delivered in the Welsh language later in the year, all levels of fluency welcome.
Led by Sherman’s Literary Associate, Lowri Morgan.

Apply here: https://forms.microsoft.com/e/2LPrLArLgw

EXPAND 3: Form and Structure (12 November – 10 December)
Back by popular demand!
A look at the process of how a play is made.
Sherman’s Artistic Director Joe Murphy and Literary Manager Davina Moss will lead sessions on how to construct a story from character arcs to act structure, and explore how playing with form can change your perspective on your own writing in an original and thrilling manner.

Apply here: https://forms.microsoft.com/e/9KkB8YWPTL

EXPAND 4: Cynulleidfa yw Calon Proses (offered in Welsh: 7 – 28 January)
How does audience change what you write?
This term will help you put audience at the heart of your playwrighting process. From exploring writing for children and young people to the big classics we will investigate how to construct a story with your audience in mind. This course is taught in Welsh: there is also an opportunity to do this course delivered in English in October.
Led by Sherman’s Literary Associate, Lowri Morgan.

Apply here: https://forms.microsoft.com/e/7CvhMyMnpm

Applications are open until Monday 12 August 2024.

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