50 for 50

Sherman at 50

Over the past 50 years, Sherman Theatre has introduced generations of children to theatre. The Sherman believes that exceptional, uplifting entertainment should be in reach of everyone. Through its accessible pricing for Made at Sherman productions, two adults and two children can see its spectacular Main House Christmas shows from under £50. Pay What You Want performances, staged payment facilities and low ticket prices for members of Sherman 5, the theatre’s ground breaking audience development programme, all ensure that Sherman Theatre is accessible to all.

To celebrate its 50th birthday and its commitment to accessibility, Sherman Theatre has announced 50 for 50 which will give 50 families who have never attended the Sherman previously the opportunity to see its Christmas shows for free. Each family will receive up to 5 tickets for a performance of either Peter Pan, for ages 7+, or Hansel and Gretel, for ages 3-6, between 2 and 6 January 2024. Families will be eligible if they have not attended the Sherman previously.

Tickets are non transferable, can be used on one performance only, cannot be applied retrospectively and are subject to availability on a first come first served basis. Families can apply to book tickets simply by calling the Sherman Box Office on 029 2064 6900.

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