A Hero of the People


A Hero of the People


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By Brad Birch. A reimagining of An Enemy of the People by Henrik Ibsen. Hero or Enemy, who can actually tell the difference? Everything is going to be fine, better than fine, in fact there’s nothing that can’t be achieved if everyone just believes a little. That’s what the town’s MP, Mick, thinks. He’s optimistic, positively boosterish about his plan for the town. He just wants the naysayers to pipe down. But there’s a problem. His sister, Dr Rhiannon Powell, has discovered that the project appears to be polluting the town’s water supply. Mick sold the town a story about the future, but what will happen when reality looks to tear that story apart? Is Mick a hero of the people, or is he in fact their enemy? Brad Birch’s bold new reimagining of Ibsen’s An Enemy of the People pits the personal against the political and facts against emotion. A Hero of the People is a gripping contemporary drama for 2022.

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